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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
$35 (USD)
Oct 30, 2001 7:56:45 AM EDT
Hi Bazz,
I am an expert in ASP and can help you get this thing done. I can also add the feature that will play the wav file. As for the order part, I am a bit unclear about it but i am sure I can handle it since i have buiilt several ecommerce sites. Hope to hear from you. Bye!
--Zaid Farooqui |
Oct 30, 2001 8:06:05 AM EDT
Send me what you have and i will get started on it. Thanks and hope to work with you!
--Zaid Farooqui |
Oct 30, 2001 7:18:05 PM EDT
Yes the bid amount remains the same. Could you send me a brief description of what each of the ASP files are for? I will get started and hopefully be done within 2-4 days. After that, if you are not in a hurry I will try to add other features such as playback etc. Do you want to limit the music file to be 20 seconds or just playback to be 20 seconds? Hope to work with you.
--Zaid Farooqui |
Oct 30, 2001 7:19:20 PM EDT
Also if you can tell me what component you are using to upload the file it would be good. Also tell me the name of the asp file which has the code for emailing it the order to you and the file which maintains the cart. Let me know more about the shopping cart.
I have started working on this. Hope you accept my bid! Thanks!.
--Zaid Farooqui |
Oct 30, 2001 8:39:43 PM EDT
I understand your project much better. I will now start to analyze the asp files and hopefully by end of day tomm. have it mostly complete(hopefull!). Then I will make the modifications you would like.
Also, i have attached a button for "attach a sound" since you said that you would not prefer a same old brown button. I will use this in your project. Pleae if you can reply to my previous comments, it would really help me.
--Zaid Farooqui |
Oct 30, 2001 8:52:28 PM EDT
Hi i forgot to attach the file! Sorry abt that.
--zaid |
Attached File
Oct 31, 2001 5:04:41 PM EDT
If you can email me upload_action.asp that you use to upload the file, I will have a much better understanding of how your code works and hopefully will be able to do this project within days.
Let me know if you are still interested. Thanks.
--Zaid Farooqui |