I would love to take care of this for you. I've attached a quick sample that took me about 20 minutes to make. Of course I didn't have your icons, so you'll have to live with my substitutions! The www.rentacoder.com option does work and will load IE.
As you can see, I can get your work done to your satisfaction VERY quickly. I could have what you want up and running by tonight if you accept my bid.
My sourcecode is not commented right now, so depending upon your level, it might take me until tomorrow after work (5:00central) to get this heavily commented for a newbie. It's your call.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Take care and thanks for considering my bid,
PS. This is a second post incase you read the previous. I tried to delete it, but just in case. Anyways, I sent you the wrong files!!! Ooops! This is the good one.