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Design a template for a gift basket web site
Bid Request Id: 35292
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Posted by: Chris Mulcahy (4 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10)
Non-action Ratio: Very Good - 0.00%
Posted: Nov 13, 2002
5:47:16 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: Nov 17, 2002
5:49:47 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): 212 times
Deadline: 11/20/2002
100% of work was accepted by buyer. Coder account has been credited.
Max Accepted Bid: Bidding is closed
Project Type: Very Small Business Project: under $100 (USD)
Bidding Type: Open Auction
Categories: Page Design
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(0 active users at May 17, 2003 7:49:04 PM EDT)

I am looking for someone to design a very simple look-and-feel template for a gift basket sales web site.

HTML only. Simple template.

-- Followup
To clarify exactly what I need, I just need a simple front-end for my gift-basket company. I have exactly zero creative talent when it comes to appealing front-ends. I've been influenced too much by client/server development and character-based development.

What I had envisioned was a screen split into parts (table-based or frame-based is open to discussion).

The information I need to display is the current specials, some highlighted products and the list of categories.

I thought that the screen could be split such that the top lists my company logo, number of items in the shopping cart, etc.

Along the left could be the list of categories (under 10 categories, no sub-categories), maybe more detail regarding their shopping cart. The right side could show some highlighted products with a thumbnail, the name of the product and the price.

The central part is for the main content, for example, the products in the category they have chosen.

I will upload a mock-up of what I thought MAY be what I want. It does not include any graphics and is text-only. As I said, I am NOT good at graphics design. The zip file will have a couple example images. Numbers 13 and 14 are full-size images, the rest are thumb-nails.

If you can come up with a better way to present the info, I am very open to suggestions.

Just like everyone else, I'm asking for the world, for the lowest price possible <smile>. One HTML page, plenty of graphics, very quick turnaround. Just like everyone else, right?

1) Source html code and all image files.

2) Complete ownership and distribution copyrights to all work purchased.


Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Nov 20, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.

Additional Files:
This bid request includes IMPORTANT additional attached files. Please download and read fully before bidding.

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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
(5 ratings)
in new delhi, delhi
Bid id: 388,335
$12 (USD) Nov 14, 2002
12:32:21 PM EDT
I m a creative web designer in this filed for over 1yr now.To have a glimpse of my website have a look at .I would also like to know the kinda website u will post it on...coz the template should resembele the surrounding elements.Trust me and u wont regret
  See 5 private reply(ies)
to/from nerd_82.

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