Professional and Commercial Quality Work
We can have this done for your by Wednesday with enrcryption functions too. :)
I have the team for this job, please don't get sucked in by a cheap bid. I occasionally outsource to Rent-a-coder when we are overloaded and if you get what you asked for… it will be months down the road. :) We are FAST and great at
We have done a lot of projects similar to this and have the experience with substantial code base to start from. I want to do this project, we are the best and your project will be
completed correctly.
Top reasons to choose Tometa Software |
We are a Microsoft Certified Solutions Provider and Gold Certified Partner |
We can code in over 35 languages |
We can handle any size project |
We have 16 years of experience programming and designing |
We are prompt and effective communicators |
We speak English as our native language and are located in Washington State |
We offer 90 days maintenance of our code for free |
We have software on over 1 million desktops worldwide, commercial and custom |
Our code is well documented and uses the best techniques for reusability |
We are a full service development shop |
We care about your satisfaction! |
IN short we can provide you professional solution in the least time, with all the functionality you asked for and all other functionality that you might need
while running this solution.
Tometa Software, Inc.: the creator of the award winning utility Cool Info 2001 has been doing exactly what you need since 1987. We are available 24/7, work
promptly, communicate effectively, love what we do, and want to help. 25% at project start, 25% on first beta and the final 50% at project completion.
Let me know if you want some samples!