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Anti Spam Full Program
Bid Request Id: 31917
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pmtManage (5 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
Non-action Ratio: |
Very Good - 0.00%
Posted: |
Oct 21, 2002 7:08:09 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Oct 30, 2002 7:51:15 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
463 times
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NoMoreSpam: Create a full program including install
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The trialware above is the basic model for how the program should look and operate (including the install step). Look at the example program to see how to go about laying out the UI and for discovering how the user settings are configured and what features to include. It should not look the same, but similar. Include similar graphics in the user interface (but not copies).
The main idea of the program is that no email gets to the NoMoreSpam user except those in the persons address book (by default), those that the NoMoreSpam user sends email to, and those that have been accepted by the registration process (this is all similar to the trialware features).
This program is not a rule based anti-spam filter. Instead, it forces the end user to register before any emails reach the user.
1) The install must configure the users email client (only for outlook and outlook express) upon install. During uninstall, it must set their outlook or outlook express back to how it was before the install. When the program runs for the first time (or during the install), it must import outlook express or outlook address book into the accepted email list and configure the smtp and pop3 settings. For each mail account the user chooses to configure NoMoreSpam, it must set the smtp and pop3 servers to Localhost and save/keep track of what their settings were since NoMoreSpam must act sort of like an email proxy between their smtp and pop3 servers. Upon uninstall, these pop3 and smtp settings must be set back to what they were (no longer localhost).
2) There is also special configuration needed for antivirus program like Norton that scans incoming and outgoing email. Please analyze how the demo (link above) handles this!
3) If they use Eudora or another email, there will be manual instructions (do not worry about this part).
More Details in the Deliverables section below.
Deliverables: 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
2) Installation package using InstallShield Express that will install the software (in ready-to-run condition) on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.
3) Complete ownership and distribution copyrights to all work purchased.
4) The program name NoMoreSpam should be a constant or variable (so it's easily changed).
5) The user continues to use their normal email client (outlook, express, Eudora, whatever)
6) This program (name it NoMoreSpam) will act as a local smtp and pop3 server/client and acts almost like an email proxy.
7) The NoMoreSpam program reads (logs in via esmtp if necessary) the users email (using their normal pop3 server).
8) I have written pop3, smtp and esmtp (sending email with user/password) code myself (vb6). I you need that source code I will be happy to forward it to you! I have not written a pop3 or smtp server but think there should be examples of this on
9) The NoMoreSpam program checks the to email address of incoming email and sees if it is the users email or one of their other aliases (there is a list of aliases in the program. For instance, the account (under outlook express) may have the email listed as but email also comes in as and using the same pop3 account. These other names are called aliases.
10) If the FROM address is a user we already know is accepted (the approved list), NoMoreSpam does not hold the email, but sends it upon the next pop3 request to it (from localhost --- the users email client).
11) For any email that comes in using one of these alias emails, NoMoreSpam sends a response email to the user asking them to confirm the reason they wanted to contact the person (a registration step). This text is configurable in NoMoreSpam (look at the demo).
12) For any other email, it simply lists the email in the user interface (see the demo).
13) When the emailer gets the registration email, they click a link to a web site (I will do this part).
14) The user fills in their name and a reason why they want to contact the person.
15) The web site forwards that request via email to the user (I will do this part). We can discuss a format that will be easily identifiable by the NoMoreSpam program.
16) The NoMoreSpam program reads those special emails (as it also periodically logs into the users pop3 server) and pops up a window asking the end user to accept or reject the emailer trying to contact them.
17) If they accept, all the emails held by the NoMoreSpam program (stored as text files locally) are now marked so the next time the user gets their email; NoMoreSpam releases them (remember the user has Localhost for both their smtp and pop3 server names). The emailer, who is now acceptable, goes in the approved list.
18) If they reject, the email is not sent and the emailer goes in the rejected list
19) Lists of users that are accepted, rejected and waiting approval are all listed in different parts of the UI.
20) All this data should be storable in simple text/ini files and flat files (to store emails not yet released to the end user).
21) There are additional filtering features included. Please look at the demo. These should be included in this NoMoreSpam program as well.
-The main UI must be written in VB6
-Any other components in VB6 or C++
-Support Windows 98/ME/NT sp6/XP/2000
-Must use only Microsoft components (any other components must be written in VB6 or C++ and included as source code.
-Must use local text/ini files to read write data: Do not want to include MDAC (Microsoft access database components in final install). Use a dictionary object or something instead.
-The install must be InstallShield express (they offer a free trial at ) .
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Dec 15, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
Special Conditions / Other:
I would like to see some source code halfway through the project along with some partially working demos.
I would expect some bug fixes /support after the project is done (for a month or so) as I find bugs.
All monetary amounts on the site are in United States dollars.
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Oct 22, 2002 9:12:27 AM EDT
(No bid amount yet. Need to nail down some details.)
Dear buyer,
I was thinking about writing such program (since I work as a chief of the software department at internet service provider). All of your ideas are great. May I suggest that you add some more functionality:
1. Check the validity of e-mail address of a sender (most of spam comes from invalid addresses like asdkfjqwe (at) We can you experience of coding mass mailing software here (and e-mail validators). So the message from spoofed address would not bounce back and force between client and his SMTP server.
2. (Probably) check for sender IP/email in database.
IMHO these features will decrease unwanted trafic to: SMTP server(s), your server, client.
About the anti-virus software: NIS is not a problem. But Kaspersky (AVP) will probably be the pain in...
May I suggest: 1. using some sort of encryption when communicating with your server 2. using MailDir like structure for storing e-mails. (as I consider it safer)
Questions comments:
What about forwarded (aliased) messages from different domains? - ask user if this is also his e-mail address and add to alias list. Messages with (blank TO:)&&(blank CC:)&&(blank BCC:) (i.e. 'direct send' feature of some mass-mailers) - deny automaticaly?
Have more questions and comments, but they are more about coding :)
Upon your comment on these message will evaluate the time needed for development and amount of $$$.
As requested will use MSVC 6 & VB6 ONLY, No DB access (ADO, DAO, ... :)
Best regards,
PS. My digital artist moved to another city... :) Will have to find another one for custom graphics.