Hi Ron,
I have gone through your requirements and am
pleased to let you know that I can deliver a solution to you that will fit your
requirement exactly.
I have coded many similar application in the
past involving simulating http posts to remote websites and retrieving and
parsing data.
You wish the script to behave in this way, if I'm
not mistaken:
You will pass these variables to the script via
a "GET", siteid,fname,lname,phone,email,country,income. The
script will then post to
, i.e. the siteid, you passed.
Using this "siteid", it will retrieve
the data returned by this page and get the cfid
and cftoken variables , that i presume are different for each site id ,siteid
being "202108" in your case.IN your case the cfidis 5413834 and the
cftoken is 55544049
Then it will post data to
http://www.concordegroup.net/concordegroup/site/front_action.cfm, using all the
variables you passed plus those it retreived i.e. the cfid and cftoken and then
dispaly the data returned by the site.
I have already coded a demo for you can send
it across ASAP.
A quick response from you will help me deliver the
solution equally fast
I am online on yahoomessenger, Mondays through Friday
from 11AM to 7PM IST(+5 1/2 GMT) for support. My id is satyajeeth.
About my background:
I have over 5 years of experience on developing
business solutions with Visual Basic, Oracle and Access and ASP and offer you an efficient and cost-effective
I have been consistently rated "excellent" by all
previous clients on RentACoder and offer 3 months of free support
after full delivery and well documented code.
Satyajit Hatangadi.
(Certified ASP,Oracle & Visual Basic
Developer from Brainbench)