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Bid Request Id: 18328
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Posted by: ced (4 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 9.5)
Non-action Ratio: Very Good - 20.00%
Posted: Jun 5, 2002
8:31:16 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: Jun 19, 2002
9:21:24 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): 238 times
Deadline: 6/30/2002
100% of work completed and accepted. Coder has been paid.
Max Accepted Bid: Bidding is closed
Project Type: Small Business Project: $100 (USD) +
Bidding Type: Open Auction
Categories: C#, XML/XSL
Enter chat room for this bid request
(0 active users at May 13, 2003 12:09:10 PM EDT)

Looking for a Server app and Client app written in C#.NET using windows forms. All classes should implement try,catch error handeling. On app start there will be a Login form with userid, userpassword, ip(client mode)/port(server mode) fields, an OK button and a dropdown combobox to select server (tcpip socket listener) or client mode (tcpip socket send-connect request). Userid and userpassword will be read from access database and compared to fields entered on OK click (on fail - return form with label stating incorrect id/pswrd. On success, depending on mode selected, one of two forms will be loaded. 1) Server :multithreaded tcpip socket listens on user provided port for a 'hello' message (xml msg format) from the client. This will be compared to a local DTD file and, if valid, a xlm file (msg) reply will be sent to acknowledge the 'Hello'. then 'Hello rcvd' is then displayed in a treeview control. The full msg is written out to disk as an xml file and if user clicks on the 'hello rcvd' in the treeview, the body of the msg is displayed in a windowframe listbox. An option to refuse or connect and disconnect the Client .
2) Client form will have an option to set the ip of the server and to connect and disconnect from the server, dropdown combo that is populated from a set of local msg.xml files names, a Send button that sends the selected xml files content in a msg to the server. The client will have to respond to specific msg's with a predefined msg responce to the msg recieved. Ideally these message pairs would be configurable on the fly while the app is running. I would like seperate Communication Socket, Bussness logic, database, UI component layers.
possible additional work to add webforms and webclass in future project if this works out.
Info added:
2 apps that exchange information with each other over tcpip using data from xml files. The files would be in the app path and load into (maybe) textbox pairs. There could be a switch statement that runs when a msg arrives on the socket. For instance If 'Hello' recieved then 'Ackkowledge' (which is paired with Hello) is sent back on the socket to the sender. The listener would need to accept connections from more than one client. clients get seperate reponses from server. In other words, the response to the client only goes to the client that sent the message. I am interested in good code to parse the xml message recieved. There is a need to manipulated a section of the xml msg and send it back.

Design document and well commented code
Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.

Complete copyrights to all work purchased.

Coded in and runs on w98SE, NT, 2000, XP

Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Jun 30, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.

Remember that contacting the other party outside of the site (by email, phone, etc.) on all business projects < $500 (before the buyer's money is escrowed) is a violation of both the software buyer and seller agreements. We monitor all site activity for such violations and can instantly expel transgressers on the spot, so we thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you notice a violation please help out the site and report it. Thanks for your help.
All monetary amounts on the site are in United States dollars.
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(7 ratings)
in tallahassee, Florida
United States
Bid id: 201,061
N/A Jun 6, 2002
6:20:30 PM EDT
Hi This sounds like very interesting project. I have some questions before I can bid on this project.
1. Where will be the access database? Is it in server side or in client side? I am sure the client and the server app will be in two different machine. If the database is in server side, I have to send the user name and password to server app which will authenticate the user and reply back the ACK/NACK.
2. Would there be any utility to add a new client in the database? or you will do it manually?
3. Just to make sure I understood it correctly , in client app there will be a msg.xml file that will hold all the predefined message and each message is associated with another xml file. When the user select one of the messaged and click on send the associated xml file will be sent to the server. Please correct me if I am wrong. The server will read this file and compare with a predefined DTD that the XML format is correct the server will send a xml file to the client and the client will see 'Hello Received' in the treeview? when the client clicks on the Hellow received in the treeview they will be displayed in windowframe listbox.
Please clarify my above questions and I'd be glad to present you a nice app with reasonable price.
  See 7 private reply(ies)
to/from All-Affiliate.

(7 ratings)
in tallahassee, Florida
United States
Bid id: 201,062
N/A Jun 6, 2002
6:20:48 PM EDT
Hi This sounds like very interesting project. I have some questions before I can bid on this project.
1. Where will be the access database? Is it in server side or in client side? I am sure the client and the server app will be in two different machine. If the database is in server side, I have to send the user name and password to server app which will authenticate the user and reply back the ACK/NACK.
2. Would there be any utility to add a new client in the database? or you will do it manually?
3. Just to make sure I understood it correctly , in client app there will be a msg.xml file that will hold all the predefined message and each message is associated with another xml file. When the user select one of the messaged and click on send the associated xml file will be sent to the server. Please correct me if I am wrong. The server will read this file and compare with a predefined DTD that the XML format is correct the server will send a xml file to the client and the client will see 'Hello Received' in the treeview? when the client clicks on the Hellow received in the treeview they will be displayed in windowframe listbox.
Please clarify my above questions and I'd be glad to present you a nice app with reasonable price.

(7 ratings)
in tallahassee, Florida
United States
Bid id: 201,063
N/A Jun 6, 2002
6:20:53 PM EDT
Hi This sounds like very interesting project. I have some questions before I can bid on this project.
1. Where will be the access database? Is it in server side or in client side? I am sure the client and the server app will be in two different machine. If the database is in server side, I have to send the user name and password to server app which will authenticate the user and reply back the ACK/NACK.
2. Would there be any utility to add a new client in the database? or you will do it manually?
3. Just to make sure I understood it correctly , in client app there will be a msg.xml file that will hold all the predefined message and each message is associated with another xml file. When the user select one of the messaged and click on send the associated xml file will be sent to the server. Please correct me if I am wrong. The server will read this file and compare with a predefined DTD that the XML format is correct the server will send a xml file to the client and the client will see 'Hello Received' in the treeview? when the client clicks on the Hellow received in the treeview they will be displayed in windowframe listbox.
Please clarify my above questions and I'd be glad to present you a nice app with reasonable price.
  See 2 private reply(ies)
to/from All-Affiliate.

(7 ratings)
in tallahassee, Florida
United States
Bid id: 202,662
N/A Jun 7, 2002
11:37:13 PM EDT
Yes, I will be able to send you a zip file everyday. But major work will be done on the weekends. I can finish it by 25th of this month. Please let me know if you need it earlier.
  See 2 private reply(ies)
to/from All-Affiliate.

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