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iterative constructs ,simple
Bid Request Id: 10089
Posted by: |
jc0000 (15 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 8.8)
Non-action Ratio: |
Very Good - 15.38%
Posted: |
Mar 4, 2002 10:29:40 AM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Mar 18, 2002 10:41:12 AM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
86 times
Deadline: |
its a program that checks a user's social security number and checks to see if its in the correct format. if it is, the string is extracted into 3 parts and converted to integers.
Recommendations: 1.Still check to ensure the input is of the correct size first. 2.Use a loop to check each individual element of the SSN string. 3.Set up a conditional statement inside the loop that checks for the hyphen whenever the index is equal to 3 or 6. 4.The second part of the program must use a series of loops to calculate the integer values of each section. remember the number 234 can be broken down as being: . Think about how you can form this into an iterative construct. (Hint: A string can be read backwards by starting at string.size()-1 and decrementing until you reach 0. Start a value at 1 and multiply it by 10 each time through the loop.) 5.At this time, not much can be done with the outputting of the information. That could be left as is.
Deliverables: the output should look like:
Please enter social security number xxx-xx-xxxx : 1j3-45-6789
Invalid format -> digit expected
Please enter social security number xxx-xx-xxxx : 123-45-6789
The original input string is ------------------------------------- String version = 123-45-6789 -------------------------------------
The three extracted substrings are ------------------------------------- Substring one = 123 Substring two = 45 Substring three = 6789 -------------------------------------
The three converted integer values are -------------------------------------- Integer value one = 123 Integer value two = 45 Integer value three = 6789 --------------------------------------
The final converted integer is -------------------------------------- Integer version = 123456789 --------------------------------------
unix, windows
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Mar 4, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
Special Conditions / Other:
must have by noon central time today, monday. or can't except.
Additional Files:
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$7 (USD)
Mar 4, 2002 10:47:17 AM EDT
I can do this for you I havv 4+ years of experience in C++
Regards Coder |