About WebMasterFunk
(see 1 ratings)
in Port Orchard, Washington
United States
Seller / Coder Rating:
Sign up date:
Dec 5, 2002 11:01:34 AM EDT
Last Logged In:
Mar 4, 2003 11:19:21 PM EDT
Jobs Started:
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Missed Status Report Warnings Issued:
Arbitrations Lost: |
0 (out of 0 Arbitrations)
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Areas Of Expertise:
PHP, mySQL, Perl, ASP, ColdFusio, C, C++, Website Development, Graphic Design, Etc.
Technical Highlights: I have experience throughout the complete life-cycle of various website development projects, ranging in size from 10 pages to more than 100. Professional Experience: Various, Port Orchard WA: Web Developer (2001 - present) Have maintained steady flow of work offering my services as freelance developer. Have created two sites, Ziphod.com and projectLease.com, from the ground up as my own solo project.
eAcceleration.com, Poulsbo WA: Web Developer (1999 - 2001) Utilized PHP and mySQL to create dynamic content for web advertising site. Also used Perl and mySQL to create custom web statistics tools. All work was on Linux OS(Redhat)
Yellowwweb.com, Bremerton WA: Web Database Developer (1998 - 1999) Developed dynamic page templates using PHP and postgreSQL, Perl, and HTML, Javascript, etc.
RentaCoder.com (2001-2002) I have been a member of rentacoder now for some time. Rentacoder is an online freelance web developer's site where one can bid on projects, etc.
I can provide very good reviews from my RentaCdoer.com customers. Education: in Computer Programming C/C++, from Olympic College, Bremerton WA
Rent A Coder Work History
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