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About AmiVin Infotech

Name:  AmiVin Infotech
(see 5 ratings)
  in Jaipur, Rajasthan

Seller / Coder Rating:  9.6 (Excellent)
Sign up date:  Sep 12, 2002 2:16:49 AM EDT
Jobs Started:  8
Jobs Completed:  7
Missed Status Report Warnings Issued:  0
Last Logged In:  12/18/2002 12:31:55 PM

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Areas Of Expertise: 
Visual Basic, Visual InterDev, JavaScript, VB Script, HTML, Active Server Pages, FrontPage 2000, C, COBOL, Oracle 7.2, MS SQL Server 7.0, Access, dBase, FoxPro

SUMMARY Nearly 3 years of experience in development, implementation and maintenance of software projects. Current emphasis is on developing e-commerce/web based applications using Visual Interdev, Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic, COM, MTS, Java Script, VBScript, SQL Server 7.0 etc.
MCP in Visual Basic 6.0
1) DCMS 9003 *Client: Orgamation Technologies Inc,USA *Project: DCMS 9003 *Tools: Visual Basic 6.0, MS Access, Crystal Reports
DCMS 9003 is a packaged solution for the early education and care market, which constitutes of childcare centers, Montessori, preschools, and head starts, etc. They are all early education providers with slightly different operations. A complete operations package includes record keeping, workflow management, financials, and communications.
2) WebDCMS *Client:Orgamation Technologies Inc,USA *Project: WebDCMS *Tools: Active Server Pages, Visual InterDev, MS SQL, HTML, JavaScript, VBScript
A web-Interface has been made for centres to interact with parents, staff and vice versa. DCMS will host its own site from which users will be accessing various forms. The objective of this project is to make the existing DCMS a web based application.
3) CBS4U iSite Application
*Client : Cyber Business Solutions, NY, USA *Project : CBS4U-ISITE Project *Tools :Active Server Pages, Visual Interdev6.0, SQL Sever7.0, Java Script, VBScript, HTML, Visual Basic 6.0.
iSite is a webserver software application that allows any customer to build a website and maintain the pages without any coding, and has various applications to add functionality to the system, such as E-Commerce, Discussion lists, Job Boards, etc. It contains multiple applications that work together to make a website perform functions that include displaying pages, selling items through e-commerce, membership communities, etc. Our customers rent iSite to run their web site so they don&'t have to know anything about programming. iSite acts as a sort of framework to tie these different applications together, allowing them to interact using shared data. The site also supports Online shopping, shopping basket, automated email messages, credit card processing and complete administration of the site with user friendly interface.
4) Safety Audit Site *Client: Nextedge Inc, USA *Project: Safety Audit Site * Tools: Active Server Pages, Visual Interdev6.0, SQL Sever7.0, Java Script, VBScript, HTML.
This site is responsible for maintaining the records of audits done and their observations undergone by the Safety Department. Each audit done can have more than one observation. Each audit can be done by upto four observers. The audits can be done from various locations of the country, which is noted. Various departments are involved in the auditing process. Each audit is performed by one department. Or it may be handled by outside contractors. There can be upto three outside contractors. Each observation is carried out on various criteria. Information like follow up required or not, follow up manager, what is the risk priority, corrective action desired, and a number of other data are stored.
5) Donate-a-call Website *Client : GiShoppers, USA *Project : Donate-a-call Website *Tools : Active Server Pages, Visual Interdev6.0, SQL Sever7.0, Java Script, VBScript, HTML.
This site is a directory of schools of USA. For registering themselves, schools submit their information on the site. After verification, can accept or reject the school&'s request. In either case, automated email messages are generated. Visitors of the site can search for schools by school name or city. Visitors/Schools can also post their inquiries on the site. Exclusive Administrator Area is also provided where Administrator can check inquiries and registration requests and reply accordingly. He can also track all the replies sent in the past. He can approve or delete a school&'s registration.
6) SagunJewellers Site *Client : Sagun Jewellers, India *Project : Sagun Jewellers Website *Tools : Active Server Pages, Visual Interdev6.0, SQL Sever7.0, Java Script, VBScript, HTML.
The site displays various designs of different types of ornaments created by the firm like Pendants, Rings, Earrings, Studs and Necklaces. Details of any design, like its price, shape, stones used, picture of its original size etc., can be obtained by clicking on its thumbnail. The site allows online Ordering of the items. The viewer can email to the firm and can also send the feedback from the site.
7) Jewellery Firm Management System
*Client: Sagun Jewellers, India *Project: Jewellery Firm Management System *Tools : Visual Basic 6.0, Access, Crystal Reports
This software handles the entire operations of the firm. The salient features of the software are as follows: It keeps the Information base of a large number of jewelry items, their scanned pictures, various precious & semi precious stones used in designs, shape & number of stones used, designer name, labour charges, etc. It keeps track of the issue of raw materials to the workers. It keeps track of the receipt of finished goods from the workers, the selection quantity and rejected quantity. Automatic calculation of price for every item based on labour charges, current silver rate, type and number of stones used & profit desired. Easy to use Invoice generation is supported. Up-to-date stock details of various precious/ semi-precious stones, silver, gold, raw material and finished goods can be obtained at any time. Accounts of workers which includes their salary and raw material issued to them is also supported.
8) SMAT *Client : Indian Pupil Public School *Project : IPPS School Management System *Tools : Visual Basic, Access, Crystal Reports.
The software incorporates all the functionality needed for school management. The software keeps record of the entire Students'/faculties/staff/classes&' information.

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(0 warnings x 1000 penalty) = 0
  Raw Score Total: 2,592

* Penalty rule enacted on 10/8/2001 and applies only to warnings sent after that date.
Rent A Coder Work History
This list shows all bid requests completed by the coder. This includes bid requests where the coder was both rated and not rated.

Rated For Rated By Rating Bid Amount Rated On
  Stacks, Queues, and Binary Tree chvti 8
(Very Good)
$35.00 December 9, 2002 9:32:13 PM EDT
  The greatest coder I have ever seen. Mad advance codes... could be better if it was delivered on time.
  login/password box Loais None Given $25.00 December 4, 2002 8:20:32 AM EDT
  Bonus for AmiVin Infotech on 11/28/2002 6:55:28 AM sumit911 None Given $25.00 November 28, 2002 6:57:38 AM EDT
  E-commerce on a website template sumit911 10
$100.00 November 28, 2002 6:51:35 AM EDT
  Amazing this guy is truly brilliant! He is also a really nice guy! He made my website look great!

Thanks Amitabh!
  Cobol enhancement project 1 gregnyce 10
$30.00 November 22, 2002 2:14:53 AM EDT
  COBOL PROJECT1 gregnyce 10
$40.00 November 13, 2002 4:41:28 PM EDT
  Bonus for AmiVin Infotech on 10/31/2002 2:07:04 PM sumit911 None Given $25.00 October 31, 2002 2:08:56 PM EDT
  VB ADO db bettyboop 10
$25.00 October 26, 2002 5:58:36 PM EDT
Average:   9.6

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