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About Intellisoft

Name:  Intellisoft
(see 2 ratings)
  in Keene, Texas
United States

Seller / Coder Rating:  10 (Excellent)
Sign up date:  Apr 9, 2002 8:58:59 PM EDT
Last Logged In:  Apr 3, 2003 8:36:25 PM EDT
Jobs Started:  2
Jobs Completed:  2
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Areas Of Expertise: 
Access, Excel, ASP, Visual Basic, ADO, OBDC, HTML, SQL Server

<html> <head> <title>Tim Cook Resume</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">

Summary: 7½ years experience as professional developer. Experienced with MS-DOS 6.x, MS-Windows 3.x, Windows 95 & 98, MS-Excel 5.0 & 97-2000, MS-Access 2.0 & 97-2000, MS-Word 6.0 & 97-2000, VBA 5.0, HTML, Active Server Pages, DAO, ADO, OBDC, SQL Server 6.5 & 7 & 2000, COM, HTML Help creation, Office 2000 Developer Edition, Visual Basic 5.0 & 6.0, vbScript, MS Outlook, Macromedia UltraDev 4.0, Crystal Reports 7.0. Familiar with XML, JavaScript, Windows NT 4.0, Exchange Server, IIS 4.0. Testing/Learning VB.NET and ASP.NET.

Work Experience:

Project Wisdom - (jdcConsulting) Dallas, TX
April 16, 2002
Troubleshot web form and added client side data validation for

Mohr Partners - (jdcConsulting) Dallas, TX
April 9-11, 2002
Helped mentor Brett Floyd upsize an Access 2000 backend database to SQL Server 7.0. Helped define relationships, upsize the database, configure SQL Server. Walked Brett through Maintenance Plan configuration on SQL Server.

QCD of America - (jdcConsulting) Dallas, TX
December 2001 to March 2002
Converted Cold Fusion web site to Active Server Pages. Added new Zip Code search page to web site that calculates mileage from zip code entered to the nearest Dentist (proximity search using Latitude and Longitude calculations). Modified existing Access application to add new functionality. Maintenance on existing Access application. Utilized: Access 97, ASP.

Lote Investment, Inc. - (jdcConsulting) Addison, TX
November 2001 - December 2001
Created new Option Reports based on user requirements in existing application. Created VBA code to import database data into Excel. General database maintenance. Utilized: SQL Server 7, Access 97, Excel 97.

The Staubach Company / BNSF - (jdcConsulting) Addison & Ft. Worth TX
November 1, 2000 - March 2002
Part of a team to convert J.D. Edwards database dump to flat files into SQL 7.0 backend Real Estate Management software called DomainCS. Created the data analysis schema to populate the new SQL server backend. Assisted as part of a team that migrated the data. Migrated historical A/R into Platinum for Windows Accounting Software. Created Access 2000 billing database to pull from SQL 7 and Platinum for Windows Accounting software and create invoices that combined the two. Created misc. reports from the SQL 7 and PfW data for accounting, including A/R Aging report. Assisted in creation of SQL 7 backend Visual Basic 6.0 front-end data warehouse. Utilized: SQL Server 7, Stored Procedures, OBDC, Access 2000, Excel 2000, Visual Basic 6.0, Platinum for Windows, Crystal Reports 7.0.

Lote Investment, Inc. - (jdcConsulting) Addison, TX
June 2001 - June 2001
Created VB 6 application to backup SQL server Backup file and Access Application front-end to a local computer for failsafe backup program. Scheduled to run with MS Scheduler nightly. Upgraded SQL server from 6.5 to 7.0. Utilized: SQL Server 7, Visual Basic 6.0. - (jdcConsulting) Irving TX
August 2000 to Oct. 20, 2000
Lead programmer in developing Active Server Pages (ASP) web site utilizing COM components to access SQL Server 7.0 backend. Developed the SQL database in SQL 7 and COM components in Visual Basic 6.0. Utilized: SQL Server 7, Stored Procedures, COM, ASP, MTS, Visual Basic 6.0, and OBDC.

Full Circle, Inc. - (jdcConsulting) Hurst, TX
June 21, 2000 to August 2000
Developed Access 97 database to integrate AcuTrax scan gun ACSII file into Access and allow editing before integrating into Platinum for Windows accounting system using OBDC and VBA. Utilized: Access 97 and OBDC, Platinum for Windows.

Brunswick, Inc. (Zebco, Quantum, Martin, Browning, Motorguide) - Dallas, TX
Jan. 4, 2000 to June 2000
Developed a SQL Server 7.0 database backend to serve company data to the web site with Active Server Pages (ASP). Developed the ASP pages and integrated with the HTML created by May and Company (Dallas TX). Created ASP database management Administration site for Brunswick, Inc. personnel to manage the site on-line (contract position through Information First).
Utilized: SQL Server 7, ActiveX controls, and OBDC, ASP, HTML.

Lote Investment, Inc. (jdcConsulting) - Dallas TX
Aug. 30, 1998 to June 2000
Lead programmer in developing Client-Server Investment tracking and reporting system using Access 97 front end and SQL Server 6.5 backend. Integrated Excel and Access using DAO, and OBDC to automate several reports. Utilized: Access 97, SQL Server 6.5, ActiveX controls, VB, VBA, DAO, HTML Help creation, and OBDC.

Diamond Fitness, Inc. - Benbrook TX
Aug. 29, 1999 to Sept. 3 1999
Build and Install Windows NT Small Business Server 4.5. Convert office network from Novell to NT. Upgrade existing office computers.

Temple Inland Forest Products Corp., Diboll TX
April 1, 1999 to April 2000
Contract programming. Created Excel 97 spreadsheet to track production at the Diboll lumber plant, extensive use of VBA. Modified several other Excel spreadsheets to automate reporting using VBA. (from June 1999 to April work was done offsite in my home office.)

Sears - IBM, Dallas TX
August 17,1998 to end Sept. 1998
Team Lead in Windows NT rollout. Managing 8 people in Windows NT workstation rollout in cooperation with the project lead IBM for Sears accounting group.

Temple Inland Forest Products Corp., Diboll TX
August 10, 1998 to August 14, 1998
Contract programming. Created Access 97 database to track Competency Improvement Process checklists, and keep track of Job Summaries. Automated Excel using DAO and SQL to read from the database and create the checklists from a drop down list box, also opens the Job Summary in Word 97 from Excel command button.

Temple Inland Forest Products Corp., Diboll TX
October 19, 1997 to June 4, 1998
Contract programming position through System One Technical and Inacom. Helped in company wide conversion to Office 97, extensive use of Visual Basic for Applications 5.0, created 5 Access 97 databases, created "while you were out" template in Outlook 97, helped modify and maintain inventory database in Domino 4.51. Helped train and answer questions pertaining to the use of Word 97 and Excel 97 in particular.

Rent A Coder Work History
All ratings and comments are the opinion of the poster and do not reflect the official view of Rent A Coder.

Rated For Rated By Rating Bid Amount Rated On
  Database Import Debuging Daniel Dzurov 10
$50.00 July 22, 2002 3:43:42 PM EDT
  To potential clients:
I found Tim very reliable and knowledgeable professional. All requests were answered promptly and problems fixed to my satisfaction.
Little background to this project: It was started by Indian developer Subhash Sombra who did not finished project and left me hanging with deadline already past. I had to seek another developer and fortunately I picked Tim who fixed all, he never complained even when there was more work then initially estimated.

Great Job, I can definitely recommend to use Tim for your development needs.

  MS Access Project - Tim EZDS 10
$2,000.00 May 30, 2002 7:49:47 AM EDT
  Excellent work! This was a tough project and Tim handled it beautifully. We will definitely use him again.
Average:   10.00

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