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About pmi
(see 2 ratings)
in Sangiliyandapuram, Trichy, TamilNadu
Seller / Coder Rating:
(Above Average)
Sign up date:
May 24, 2002 1:08:58 PM EDT
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HAS NOT logged in since we started keeping track (on 12/12/2002). EDT
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Areas Of Expertise:
OS: RedHat Linux >6.2, Win32, WinCE
System knowledge: Kernel debugger, WinNT Device drivers, Serial Port communications, Firewalling & NAT
Databses: MySQL on Linux/WinNT, Oracle, SQL Server >7.0, MS-Access
DB wrappers: ODBC, ADO, sqpapi(www.sqpapi.com)
3rd Party comp: WinFAX, MapZoom, LeadProject imaging API, Stingray SDK, Microsoft Netmeeting
Dev Tools: c, c++, vc++, vb
WEB: HTMP, ASP, PHP, Javascript
My resume talks my 7 years of programming experience. I have successfully completed the following projects:
1. Personal search engine based on AltaVista:
This involved search enigne SDK from AltaVista on Win32 platform. In indexed files on any PC in a given network and search result was displayed using Microsoft PWS.
2. Linux custom Kernel:
This involved building Kernel from source kernel.org for customizing networking and tune-up.
3. Remote viewer:
The project was for viewing live demo/presentation on server. Clients can login to server and view demo live. It worked well on win32 platform.
4. Php/MySQL project:
A small web site for posting bugs/problems online and search for results. This was done for intranet users.
5. ASP/SQL Server
A database driven web site for a finance company based on a patent registered with US patent office. The job was to write a web based interface to view custom logic on any given symbol.
A middle layer to recv stock quotes and push data to db. It was able to handle 500 records/second. This was one of my favorite and involved extensive database backend operation.
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- Openly disclosed pricing and return policies
- Participation in mediation at buyer request
- Superior selling track record
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