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About Innovative IT

Name:  Innovative IT
(see 1 ratings)
  in Bangalore, Karnataka

Seller / Coder Rating:  10 (Excellent)
Sign up date:  Apr 4, 2002 7:23:19 AM EDT
Last Logged In:  Apr 29, 2003 12:47:31 AM EDT
Jobs Started:  1
Jobs Completed:  1
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Areas Of Expertise: 
Java, JDBC, JSPs, Servlets, EJBs, Weblogic5.1

Career summary:

Have an overall industry experience of around 2 years 9 months and over this period have worked mainly on web based projects in technologies like Java, JSPs, Servlets, EJBs, ASP. Also, have some experience on TIBCO suite of products like the TIB Rendezvous, TIBCO Adapter for the Web, Message Broker and the Adapter SDK.

  • Graduated in Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science, Osmania University in 1999 with an aggregate of 78.6%.
  • Passed the Intermediate Public Examination (IPE) from St. Mary's Junior College in 1995 with an aggregate of 84.7% with Major as M.P.C
  • Passed the I.C.S.E examination from St Joseph's Public School in 1993 with an aggregate of 80.5%

Career Path:
  • Software Engineer, Ltd. India, 01 / 2000 - till date
  • Software Engineer, Savitr Software Services (P) Ltd. India, 06 / 1999 - 01 / 2000

Technical Skills:
Operating System  : Solaris, Windows NT 4
Languages  : JAVA, C++
Databases  : Oracle 8i, SQL Server 7.0
Middle Ware  :  RMI, EJB
Web Technology  : JSPs, Servlets, ASPs
GUI  : Swing and AWT
Other Tools  : TIBCO(Tib Rv/TAW/Message Broker)

Project Profile:

# 6
Client  : ESPNStar, Singapore.
Duration  : 9 months
Team Size  : 3
Designation  : Software Engineer
Environment  : Java, EJBs, JSP, Oracle 8i, Weblogic 5.1, Rational Rose.

The project entailed developing a content management, positioning and publishing application for ESPNStar. The application allows ESPNStar editors to create content(articles, polls, cricket news,results,fixtures etc.), position them, and finally publishing the content.

  • Designed and Developed the Content Management Application for Cricket.
  • Designed and Developed the Live Scores Module. Ball by Ball coverage.
  • Designed and Developed the Web-Publish Tool.
  • Was involved with the site maintenance plus a few enhancements in the Live Scores Module and the Web-Publish tool.

# 5 Auction Engine
Client  : Planetasia Ltd.
Duration  : 2 month</br> Team Size  : 3
Designation  : Software Engineer
Environment  : Java, JSP, Oracle, Weblogic 5.1, Rational Rose.

The project was about building an Auction Engine to suit the B2B environment. The auction engine handled product registration(seller can specify his own bid rules), search and bidding. Another major component of the Auction Engine was the Catalog Management system, using which an administrator can create new categories, sub-categories and products.

  • Was responsible for the design and development of the Catalog Management System.
  • Was responsible for the design and development of the Product Registration module.

# 4 TIBCO Prototyping
Client  : Planetasia Ltd.
Duration  : 1 month
Team Size  : 4
Designation  : Software Engineer
Environment  : TIBCO Suite of Products, JSP, Oracle 8i, JRun.

The prototype was developed as a Proof of Concept for a Riyadh based bank. It entailed developing an auction solution where a person can register and participate in the ongoing auctions.

  • Involved in the design and development of the entire prototype. Was mainly responsible for coding the TAW service instances and their interactions with the Integration Manager.

# 3
Client  : Purvankara Real Estates, Bangalore
Duration  : 9 months
Team Size  : 6
Designation  : Software Engineer
Environment  : ASP, SiteServer, Java Script, Inter Dev, IIS, MS-SQL7.0

The project was about building a Real Estate portal targeting various types of users like buyers, sellers, developers, estate agents etc. It also provided search facilities. Users can search for properties, developers and estate agents and can narrow their search to a particular locality within a city. Other features of the site are a fully personalized My Page and GIS.

  • Involved in the design and development of the My Page and was also responsible for the content management features of the site(This was done using Site Server 3.0). Was also responsible for the deployment of the site.
  • Was also involved on Site Maintenance for 3 Months.

# 2 DVu (The View)
Client  : GraphoNET Ltd. Israel
Duration  : 08 / 99 - 10 / 99 (2 months)
Team Size  : 3
Designation  : Software Engineer
Environment  : Java 1.1.X, Unix / Windows NT, IIS Web server

Dvu provides a real-time view of what goes in a web site or an e-shop. Dvu resembles a shop monitor, which shows the real-time status of an e-shop. Every user is represented as a point/dot. The path of the point is traced in real-time thereby getting a first hand knowledge of the browsing pattern and shopping habits. The Shop Administrator can contact the Customer any time and initiate a chat session with him.

Its features are :
1. Allows shop manager to view his shop in real-time.
2. Track the movement of a customer in the shop (Customers represented as dots).
3. The shop manager can view the customer's details by just clicking on the dot.
4. The shop manager can contact a customer in his shop and initiate a Chat session with him.
5. Log all the information regarding a shop and it's customers.

  • Involved in the design and development of the Dvu Server and was also responsible for integrating this application with a sample e-shop.

# 1 Hotline Web Communication ( An e-service tool)
Client  : GraphoNET Ltd. Israel
Duration  : 06 / 99 - 09 / 99 (3 months)
Team Size  : 3
Designation  : Software Programmer
Environment  : Java 2, Java 1.1.X, Swing, RMI, Windows NT 4.0

Hotline Web Communication is an e-service tool that allows sales and service representative to interact with prospective customers over the Internet. It aims at providing guidance to customers who are shopping in an e-shop. Online Shop Administrators provide guidance to the prospective customer via 'chat' & 'follow - me - browsing'.

  • Involved in the design and development of the Hotline Server and the Sysop(System administrator module).

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Rated For Rated By Rating Bid Amount Rated On
  DB driven Tape Ticker(for Innovative IT) larango 10
$150.00 June 30, 2002 11:25:08 PM EDT
  Super Coder. He delivered a great application. Actually more than what I was expecting. He is very impressive. He got just what I needed it. I highly recommend him. SUPER.. Congratulations. I will sure work with him in the future.
Average:   10.00

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