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About Ali Raza

Name:  Ali Raza
(see 6 ratings)
  in Islamabad, Federal Capital

Seller / Coder Rating:  6.5 (Above Average)
Sign up date:  Oct 12, 2001 5:49:53 AM EDT
Last Logged In:  Mar 28, 2003 2:24:24 AM EDT
Jobs Started:  4
Jobs Completed:  4
Missed Status Report
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Arbitrations Lost:  (out of 3 Arbitrations)
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Areas Of Expertise: 
Windows Programming
Client Server Programming
Visual Basic
Visual C++

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S. ALI RAZA JAFRI<o:p> </o:p>

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Objective: Seeking to explore and broaden horizons concerning my field and to excel to the cutting edge of technology.

<o:p> </o:p>

Education: GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology Topi, Pakistan

Bachelor of Computer Science & Systems Engineering 2001

Adamjee College H.S.S.C., 1997 Karachi, Pakistan

Beacon House Public School S.S.C., 1995 Karachi, Pakistan

<o:p> </o:p>

Experience: CresSoft Internee, Summer1999<o:p> </o:p>

Worked on project for Engro Ltd. Participated in the design, development and testing of database system, using Developer 2000 with an Oracle Database.

<o:p> </o:p>

Data Standards Internee, Summer2000<o:p> </o:p>

Worked on diverse projects, ranging from Access Database Applications to ASP systems. Constructed office automation system using ASP.

<o:p> </o:p>

Ultimus Pakistan<o:p> </o:p>

Currently employed as developer in Ultimus Pakistan. Working on the Ultimus Workflow Suite, which is the leading workflow automation software in the world. Field of development is Visual C++, using ActiveX, ATL, and COM components.

<o:p> </o:p>

Teaching Experience

Conducted ACM workshop on MS Visual C++ 5.0, 1999<o:p> </o:p>

Conducted ACM workshop on MS Visual C++ 6.0, 2001

Assisted in CS101 (Introduction to Computer Science), C/C++ lab in Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute, Fall 1998

Assisted in CS101, C/C++ lab in Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute, Fall 1999

Assisted in CS101, C/C++ lab in Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute, Fall 2000

<o:p> </o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Final Year Project:

Distributed Database Layer

Software layer to allow various tables of large databases to be hosted on heterogeneous servers while maintaining user transparency implemented using Java.

<o:p> </o:p>

Personal Contribution

Overall project design

Design and development of SQL parser and query break down module.

Design and development of compression module.

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Semester Projects:

· Design and development of remote administration software including desktop, mouse and keyboard capture for Windows98, implemented using Visual C++

· Design and development of sound card using AT89C2051 Micro controller

· Design and development of distributed file system for Linux 5.2 using C

· Design and development of secure file sharing software, using Visual C++

· Web enabled student information system using Java Server Pages

· Character extraction and recognition system using Neural Networks, implemented using Visual C++

· Design and development of inventory and billing system using Developer 2000 and Oracle database Server

<o:p> </o:p>

Computer and Other Skills:<o:p> </o:p>

· Proficiency in C/C++, Java, Visual Basic, ASP, Visual C++, SQL

· Exposure to Visual Basic, Developer2000, and JSP.

· Tools & Packages used: MS Visual Interdev, Visual Café, Visio 2000, AutoCAD 14, LINDO (optimization package), Oracle Database Server, SQLServer

· Lab Work in Prologue, Linux Scripting, Linux Sockets, pipes and threads

<o:p> </o:p>

Rent A Coder Work History
All ratings and comments are the opinion of the poster and do not reflect the official view of Rent A Coder.

Rated For Rated By Rating Bid Amount Rated On
  c++ DATABASE Ian Ippolito (RAC) 2
$23.00 November 26, 2002 10:26:53 AM EDT
  The coder did not complete the project by the deadline.
  Private auction for Ali Raza on 11/14/2002 5:02:58 PM Ian Ippolito (RAC) 2
$6.00 November 25, 2002 10:37:38 AM EDT
  The coder did not complete the project by the deadline.
  c program nichole 8
(Very Good)
$6.00 November 18, 2002 11:33:22 AM EDT
  general tree program skarthik_78in 10
$6.00 November 7, 2002 1:06:39 AM EDT
  Ali is an Excellent programmer with lot of patience and good temper.

He responds to emails very promptly

I would like to have him as the future coder for my c++ Projects
  Program 4 Ian Ippolito (RAC) None Given $20.00 November 29, 2001 11:21:30 PM EDT
  Coder didn't get bid accepted on time by buyer to complete it. Per coder "Yes i told the buyer that i cant finish the project because she wanted it the very day i read the mail. My pc is is my office I came on the 27th in the morning to find the mail which had been delivered at around 8:00 pm on the 26th. The buyer wanted the work done before midnight. I have to take care of my office work first, so i mailed her that I would try, however by 8:00 pm my office was about to close and i told her that could not finish the job before midnight. I sent her the incomplete file just to show that i had been working.

I had placed my bid a few days earlier if the buyer had beena little more prompt in choosing her coder I think things would have turned out differently."
  C prog that reads records using a linked list Angelnferno 10
$10.00 November 13, 2001 5:18:32 PM EDT
  Ali is an excellent tutor, the work was completed very quickly and efficiently. His explanations were clear and very thorough. I would recommend him highly to others requiring a reliable and helpful coder.
  Personal Diary Cipher Solomon 7
$35.00 November 6, 2001 9:53:03 AM EDT
  Pretty flexible....and
Quick in response...
I am quite satisfied with his work.
Average:   6.50

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