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About Delta Software

Name:  Delta Software
(see 5 ratings)
  in Craiova, Dolj

Seller / Coder Rating:  8.2 (Very Good)
Sign up date:  Dec 23, 2001 10:32:04 AM EDT
Last Logged In:  May 13, 2003 4:55:54 PM EDT
Jobs Started:  7
Jobs Completed:  6
Missed Status Report
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Arbitrations Lost:  (out of 1 Arbitrations)
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Areas Of Expertise: 
Pascal/Object Pascal
Borland C++ Builder
Borland Delphi
Visual C++
Visual Basic

Visual Programming
Win32 API
WEB programming (Server/Client side), ASP, CGI, Servlets, Applets, Java Beans, Java Script, VB Script, Security, Autentifications, ActiveX/OLE

DOS/ Windows / Linux

DTP, 2D image processing (Adobe products and others), 3D modelling (Kinetix), Web pages and Flash animation (SoftQuad, Macromedia), flat file database handling (dBase, FoxPro, Paradox). Borland Database Engine (BDE), MySQL, MS SQL database servers, reporting (Quick Report)

IBM PC compatible

Some of our important projects Some of those projects have been made for certain clients, as a request)

Project: e-Broker
Duration: 1998 - present (The client is asking permanently changes, because the laws are changing)
Organization: Autentic Pro Invest SA Romania and then European Securities Greece
Task:analyze and programming
Tools:Borland Delphi, Quick Reports, BDE, OOP, SQL
Description: financial system based on an interface between Bucharest Stock Exchange and European Securities (Brokerage House from Greece). This application is furnishing to the end users live daily stock quotes as well as preparing and settling stock exchange transactions. It is also a statistical client/server application used to manipulate stock exchange data (captioning and tracking buy/sell orders, as well as creating financial reports specific to the brokerage process). The client is using this software, and now it&'s at the 4.0 version.

Project: Market Analyzer
Duration: 2000 - 2001
Organization: European Secitities, Greece
Task: analyze with client and programming
Tools: Borland Delphi, Quick Reports, BDE, OOP, SQL
Description: statistical application for surveillance of evolution of shares on the stock market: statistical calculus, graphics. The client is using this software, and now it&'s at the 1.4 version.

Project: d-Feed
Duration: 2001 - present (The client is asking permanently changes, because the laws are changing)
Organization: European Securities, Greece
Task: analyze with client and programming
Tools: Borland Delphi, Quick Reports, BDE, OOP, TCP/IP, SQL, statistical calculus
Description: data feed application for real time stock market quotations

Project: IIK
Duration: 1997
Organization: University of Craiova
Task: analyze with client and programming
Tools: Borland Delphi, 3D modeling, GUI, OOP, Win 32
Description: Interactive Inverse Kinematics application, designer and scripting interpreter for creating animations of human bodies using inverse kinematics applied on objects with hierarchical links

Rent A Coder Work History
All ratings and comments are the opinion of the poster and do not reflect the official view of Rent A Coder.

Rated For Rated By Rating Bid Amount Rated On
  QuickReport to Excel 2(for Delta Software) Ian Ippolito (RAC) 1
$50.00 January 16, 2003 4:06:30 PM EDT
  The coder failed to respond to the facilitator in the allotted amount of time and also failed to respond to the buyer.
  homework help mu664life 10
$20.00 December 9, 2002 6:14:22 PM EDT
  fast reply and excellent work!!!
  pro Q xoxoxo None Given $8.00 December 8, 2002 7:02:18 PM EDT
  Sinple turbo c++ program Lonaedan 10
$7.00 December 7, 2002 9:02:02 PM EDT
  I ran the code and it worked great.
  BMP on button RW 10
$15.00 December 4, 2002 8:44:59 PM EDT
  QuickReport to Excel 2(for Delta Software) Pathwire None Given $50.00 December 1, 2002 3:30:39 PM EDT
  process info from transaction file and output it to several other files msara 10
$4.00 November 27, 2002 10:49:56 AM EDT
  Delta gave me exactly what i needed within a few hours of accepting their bid. They did an awesome job.
Average:   8.20

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