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About Marc4death
Name: Marc4death
(see 2 ratings) (50% cancellation ratio)
in Hoboken, New Jersey
United States
Seller/Coder Rating:
10 (Excellent)
Sign up date: Apr 3, 2002 7:40:22 PM EDT
Current Bid Request Record:
Bid Requests Posted: |
4 |
Bids Accepted: |
3 |
Work Accepted and Paid: |
2 |
Cancellation Ratio:
(where no coder was chosen) |
50% (Average is 41.58%)
The cancellation ratio is the % of total bid requests posted by this buyer that were cancelled without choosing a coder. A ratio of
0% means the buyer has chosen a coder on every bid request they've posted. A ratio of 100% means a buyer has never chosen a coder on any
bid request they've posted. Most buyers fall in-between these extremes, so you should compare this # with the site average mentioned above.
Cancelled Bid Requests:
(where no coder was chosen) |
You can use the 'view' link above to determine the reason the buyer did not choose a coder on their bid requests (if they gave one).
Last Logged In:
2/28/2003 5:54:06 AM
This list does not show bid requests completed by the coder where they were not rated. Click here to see these as well (if any).
Rated For |
Rated By |
Rating |
Rated On |
Contacts database |
ComfortablyNumb131 |
February 28, 2003 12:05:22 AM EDT |
very very co-operating and understanding buying,also has given me the oppurtunity to learn new things,for which i am really thankful. |
Logo for "Pretflowa" |
abhisun |
November 8, 2002 12:08:19 AM EDT |
Great Buyer !!!!
He has a very good choice to select the best options, everytime provided by the coder. So I got a chance to work on very good and creative designs. Excellent communication, Great Appreciation, and quick decisions are the best qualities I could make out in this buyer. I recommend coders to work with him to have good work in their portfolio. It will be my great pleasure to work with him again. Thanks. |
------ |
Average: |
10.00 |
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- Openly disclosed pricing and return policies
- Participation in mediation at buyer request
- Superior selling track record
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