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About damianj1
Name: damianj1
(see 0 ratings) (0% cancellation ratio)
in Brampton, Ontario
Seller/Coder Rating:
Not rated yet.
Sign up date: Nov 30, 2002 9:42:12 PM EDT
Current Bid Request Record:
Bid Requests Posted: |
1 |
Bids Accepted: |
1 |
Work Accepted and Paid: |
1 |
Cancellation Ratio:
(where no coder was chosen) |
0% (Average is 41.58%)
The cancellation ratio is the % of total bid requests posted by this buyer that were cancelled without choosing a coder. A ratio of
0% means the buyer has chosen a coder on every bid request they've posted. A ratio of 100% means a buyer has never chosen a coder on any
bid request they've posted. Most buyers fall in-between these extremes, so you should compare this # with the site average mentioned above.
Cancelled Bid Requests:
(where no coder was chosen) |
You can use the 'view' link above to determine the reason the buyer did not choose a coder on their bid requests (if they gave one).
Last Logged In:
This list does not show bid requests completed by the coder where they were not rated. Click here to see these as well (if any).
This person has not been rated yet |
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