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Exhedra Solutions, Inc.

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2005 GUI allows faster access to even more information, and includes the new advanced search filtering screen.

 294 complete programs, tutorials and code submissions!

(click on an image to enlarge)

 (click on an image to enlarge)


Learn how to...
  1. Create Internet-enabled features like TSocket Chat, ICQ Pager, and your own custom Internet web browser!

    (click on an image to enlarge)

  2. Create fun video games like "Puzzle", "Bomber", and a slot machine game!

    (click on an image to enlarge)

  3. Complete programs like "Cute Editor", a video capture program, and "CoffeeMaker"--a LAN house administrator tool!

    (click on an image to enlarge)

  4. Learn how to implement a JPG to HTML converter, anti-Netbus Trojan protector, and an image to ascii converter!

    (click on an image to enlarge) 

  5. And much, much more!

Copyright © 2007-2015, Exhedra Solutions, Inc.